The Big Six: Rachel Wang / CHAMELEON x Lucy McWilliams / Israel McFarland / Danger Line / Ross K x Urchin / Kelaska

The Big Six: Nobody can predict the future, not least the future of music, dictated as it often is by factors beyond just talent. But there are some artists so fizzing with potential that their success seems predestined.
Every day we select tracks that definitely deserve more attention than Justin Bieber!

Rachel Wang – FEELINGS
Location: United States
Release date: Mar 20, 2021

CHAMELEON x Lucy McWilliams – YOU KNOW
Location: Ireland
Release date: May 28, 2021

Israel McFarland – Gotta Be Alone
Location: United States
Release date: May 28, 2021

Danger Line – Photograph Collection
Location: United Kingdom
Release date: May 28, 2021

Ross K x Urchin – Slow Game
Location: Canada x United Kingdom
Release date: May 28, 2021

Kelaska – high & low
Location: United States
Release date: May 07, 2021

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