Freudz Couch toured, recorded and released 3 indie albums and multiple EP’s and singles between 1993-2003 that found their way on radio throughout the world as well as a Canadian Indie Motion Picture titled River Rats.
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Hi Freudz Couch. Introduce yourselves please and tell us what’s been happening
over the past six months.
Hi and thank you for the time and interest in our music. Patrick on vocals, Don guitars, Vinny bass and Nik Drums. The last 6 months was dedicated to finalizing the songs on the new album ‘Psycho A’ which was a completely different and backwards experience than what we are accustomed to in writing and recording.
Due to individual circumstances all 4 band members currently reside in 4 different cities throughout, Ontario in Canada. This entire project consisting of 12 new songs on the album was written and recorded without all 4 band members being in the same room and same studio all at once. Historically the bands music catalogue was written through hours of continuous jamming and working ideas together, often with vocals leading the way. This time, vocals came last and a majority of the songs were initiated through a single guitar track leading the way, and individually each member adding and working on their parts independently.
The final realization of the songs came together in the last 6 months with the addition of the vocals, often in a direction unexpected along the process taking nearly 2 years from beginning to end of the entire production.
Congratulations on your new single ‘Black Car’. What was the inspiration behind the song?
Thank you. Lyrically the song was inspired by a conversation I (Patrick) had at a high school reunion last summer with some old friends sharing some stories, often comical. However, a serious tone in the struggles we all go through in life and the evolving perspective on things and how they change as one grows older and wiser.
Where did you record it?
Recording and production of the entire album consisted of studios in Sudbury, Ottawa, Hamilton and Oakville with members often being alone with producer, however on occasion 2 or 3 members were able to connect together in studio for support.
If you could perform at any venue in the world, where would it be and why?
Wembley Stadium, simply Iconic
What’s next for you? Is there more music or any live shows on the way?
Promotion of the new album currently is the focus over the next couple of months and plans for summer activities. Hopefully everyone stays safe during these trying times and we’ll evaluate once the world gets past this current situation.
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