Produced by Jukebox (Alicia Keys, Willow Smith, Zendaya), the track is centered around a heart monitor beep that ebbs and flows through Elisé’s words, as she relapses between ‘life’ and ‘death’. A pounding beat, peppered percussion and the singer-songwriter’s velvety vocals fuse to create a rhythm that is powerful and raw, and perfectly translates the poignant message behind the lyrics.

This just may be the best song you’ll hear today. Elisé shares her single ‘Back To Life’ and we haven’t stopped playing it. Infectious production plus equal parts sass and quirk, Elisé shines bright with her new single. The hooks, the melodies, all of it has a catchy and lovable sound.

We can already foresee massive success from the artist and she’s just getting started. Check out ‘Back To Life’ and let us know what you think down below in the comments, and don’t forget to support the artist by giving Elisé a follow on social media and discover your next favorite artist.

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