Amelia’s Ones To Watch: Ninety’s Story / Big Dumb Baby / Puppets For Poets / Dream Trippers / Short Wave Craft / Peter Lake / Greg Travis / Sun Grove

Hi, I’m Amelia and the following tracks are a selection by me that definitely deserve more attention than Miley Cyrus!

BAD by Ninety’s Story

Jenny’s Place by Big Dumb Baby

Electric Theatre by Puppets For Poets

The Original Atom by Dream Trippers

I Need You Tonight by Short Wave Craft

Comforts Cross by Peter Lake

Lost You At Goodbye by Greg Travis

Growing Pains by Sun Grove

6 thoughts on “Amelia’s Ones To Watch: Ninety’s Story / Big Dumb Baby / Puppets For Poets / Dream Trippers / Short Wave Craft / Peter Lake / Greg Travis / Sun Grove

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