Hi, I’m Amelia and the following tracks are a selection by me that definitely deserve more attention than Miley Cyrus!
Life ache by Antoine Duclos
All Night Long by Dexter Burningham
4 am by Nick Brodeur
Ghosts by Favourite Thing
One by The Noise
Best Friends by Tyswervo
Cosmetic Love by Shaan Kambli
Tale of a Chameleon by Aspen Jacobsen
been a long time by vagaries
Gratitude and a Heartbeat by Seth Hilary Jackson
6 thoughts on “Amelia’s Ones To Watch: Antoine Duclos / Dexter Burningham / Nick Brodeur / Favourite Thing / The Noise / Tyswervo / Shaan Kambli / Aspen Jacobsen / vagaries / Seth Hilary Jackson”