With ever-changing neon hair and Bratz inspired style, not many would expect Sage Charmaine to have gotten her start singing in a worship group at her grandparents church in Amarillo, Texas.

Winter is upon us and there’s an exciting energy in the year. It’s that time of the year where our friends are back school, people back from vacations, and making memories, etc…
There’s a graceful flow in the production which sort of creates this stunning atmosphere that’s easy to feel comfortable in. Not to mention, Sage Charmaine’s vocal performance will give you goosebumps and we encourage you to really dive into the lyrics. This is without a doubt one of Sage Charmaine’s strengths as an artist.
Take a listen for yourself and let us know what you think, interested in hearing more? Make sure to connect with Sage Charmaine online to stay up to date on any upcoming releases and enjoy!
4 thoughts on “Review: Sage Charmaine – Pill Party”