Mayhem For Mary began a classic 4 piece (Drums, Bass, Guitar, Vocals) in early 2015, creating original music derived from influences as varied as grunge, metal, blues, prog and folk. The departure of the original guitarist meant a short hiatus for the band for much of 2016. Having searched in vain for a suitable guitarist, the decision was made to abandon the 4 piece concept and instead continue as an alternative 3 piece (Drums, Bass, Vocals). This decision was a massive positive turning point as it opened up a whole new area of sonic exploration for the band, leading to experimentation with vocal effects and textures, and some interesting signal routing and bass guitar effects.
Brisbane, Australia based, Mayhem For Mary have unleashed their new music video for their debut single ‘Ze Empire’. When you play this band tracks it feels there is music in the air, impressive voice and attractive. Mayhem For Mary is one of those bands that can amaze you if you allow them to. You don’t hear them on the radio much, you don’t get to hear about them often, but once you download their tracks in your player, you can listen to them all the time, and never get tired of their music.
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