Martyrs For Rebellion – Silence Is Golden

They said about Martyrs For Rebellion: “we are Martyrs For Rebellion and we reside in SW Florida. We have been working on this project for little over a year now! We just finished our EP Ascension 2 months ago! We are a 2 piece hard rock/rock band ready to take on the world! This duo consists of a drummer/singer, and a bassist/singer! We have been in multiple bands that have got to a pro level, but fell apart, but fortunately, this was a side project for about 7 years, and now we have made a decision to make this a full-time project, therefore, going full throttle! We are looking forward to playing shows really soon!”
Daniel- Drummer/Vocals
Mike- Bassist/Vocals

Martyrs For Rebellion is one of those bands that can amaze you if you allow them to. You don’t hear them on the radio much, you don’t get to hear about them often, but once you download their tracks in your player, you can listen to them all the time, and never get tired of their music.

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