Madeline Louie deftly blends pop with R&B to create music that is unique and honest. Her ethereal vocals paint a landscape for lyrical stories that are captivating and contemplative. While writing PANIC, her premiere EP, Madeline Louie discovered the power of spirituality to explore and reveal her relationships—with partners, society, and her own ego.
We haven’t been able to turn off this new electro pop record from Madeline Louie, titled ‘I Can’t Be the Only One’ this new song highlights some of Madeline‘s witty and relatable vocal style while following an infectiously catchy rhythmic direction. It’s incredibly catchy and it’s super easy to digest, all of which follow a formula for a great record. Anyway, we hope you’ll add this song to your playlists this spring and if you have a moment, go ahead and make sure to follow your new favorite artist.
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