Interview: Melasòl – Venjulegur Maður

As the dust of the last decade settles in audiences are pointing their ears forward searching for what will define the sounds of years to come but some things don’t necessarily change. Something hits as hard now as it has for decades.

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Hi Melasóll. Introduce yourselves please and tell us what’s been happening over the past six months.

Hello! We are 4 guys in Melasól, Andri Szarvas on vocals and guitar, Didrik von Hanno Kjersem on drums and backing vocals, Alexander Berge Stakkestad on guitar and Heine Johannes Berge Vidme plays bass.

We’ve been finishing up our debut EP which came out 18th of April and also went into the studio again and recorded two new songs that we actually released before our self-titled debut EP, the double single is called ‘Some Things Can’t Wait’. It was pretty fun recording and releasing something so spontaneously!
We also played an online live stream concert last weekend which was a really fun and exciting experience, but it was also really weird to play without an audience.

Congratulations on your new single ‘Venjulegur Maður’. What was the inspiration behind the song?

Andri : – Well it just happened, there was never a clear theme or inspiration we were going for but when I wrote the lyrics I wanted to try something new and maybe mix together English and Icelandic and I think it worked out great. It’s definitely something that I will without a doubt try again.

Where did you record it?

We went straight from a live gig in Iceland to Copenhagen in Denmark to a small utility room with a computer and a drum kit and began recording our EP and Venjulegur Maður and then went back to Bergen, Norway to Vestavind Studio with our producer Jon-Anders Orlien and finished the EP there.
If you could perform at any venue in the world, where would it be and

Didrik = Anywhere with a free bar
Andri = Would love to play in the United States someday, I think it would be pretty wild, shout out to the Colorado based band and our buddies in The Beeves!
Alex: I would like to play in an underground club in Japan.
Heine: I want to perform at small French cafés in front of pretentious academics, or at shady biker bars on the outskirts of Berlin. Whatever comes first.

What’s next for you? Is there more music or any live shows after
COVID-19 pandemic?

We don’t have anything planned concert wise, but we’re planning on releasing some treats in the near future, so make sure you follow us on social media :’) We hope COVID-19 goes away as soon as possible and we hope everybody stays safe and remains positive! woop swoop!

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