Interview: Albon – Say You Love Her


Hi Albon, what’s been happening over the past six months?

The past 6 months have been a lot of learning. Between corona, BLM, and the general need to find flexibilty I have been pushing myself to do a lot of critical thinking and changing. I really like that though, it’s been pressing at times but very life affirming as well. Musically, I’ve been glued to my computer; learning tons of new production methods and finding sounds I like to play with.

Your single ‘Say You Love Her’ is impressive. What was the inspiration behind the song?

Thanks, it’s an older song that I always felt afraid to tackle (recording wise). Its very simple, but I wanted to create a lot of dynamic and harness the movement of the whole piece. The song is about trying to leave yourself to accommodate a companion, which of course, never works. The song is meant to sonically take you through that experience. The vocals sort of turn into a spooky mantra until they violently cut and there is calm. Im glad you like it.

Where you from and what’s the music scene like there?

Originally from the north burbs de Chicago, now living in Los Angeles. I grew up with tons of pop punk influence. Lots of tight jeans and american apparel hoodies. My high school produced some amazing bands so I was supper lucky to be exposed to people creating good music. Later on, I began to explore the noise and indie rock scene that was and is ever so present. The DIY culture was popping off when I was living in chicago. Currently, most of my fave bands are springing up from chicago (Deeper, Dehd, The Heck, LAG…)

What drew you to the music industry?

Music haha. I’m not to privy on the industry part. Luckily, we’re in a time where things are changing and becoming more transparent for artists. I’m also really lucky because I have friends who are managers and agents and help me to not get swept up by the noise that the industry has a tendency to create.

Any gigs you have coming up that we should know about?

Nope! Haha just tones of music scheduled to release in the next 9 months. I have another EP and an LP that will be coming out this coming fall and winter. Ooo and a Tik Tok tv show that Terrible Records words is paying me and my bud Petey to make hehe. Im sorta a hype beast

Anything you would like to add?

I hope everyone creates and does what they feel called to do. With love, Albon 🙂

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