Coming off the success of The Whole Shabang, the band has returned to the studio to work on their next release. The overall sound is Pop with a sweet soulful touch, making them the perfect band for a late night show after a rough work week.
The band, which has been together for the past three years, is composed of lead singer Carly Liza, guitarist Mike Post, bassist Freddy Hernandez, drummer Cameron Clark and keyboardist Artur Zakiyan. Their previous release was nominated for Best CD (Group) at the LA Music Critic Awards in 2015.
Carly & The Universe, is one of those bands that can amaze you if you allow them to. You don’t hear them on the radio much, you don’t get to hear about them often, but once you download their tracks in your player, you can listen to them all the time, and never get tired of their music.
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