Hi, I’m Amelia and the following tracks are a selection by me that definitely deserve more attention than Miley Cyrus!
Elegy for the Baby Boomer in D by Butch Bastard
The Pier by Epsilon
Shine by Purple Stone
You’re the night by Heartbeats.
Been Da One by PeezyGetsLOW
Song of Hope by Dolche
Be the Best You Can by Moose on the Roof
problem by Cleo Handler
Tears In The Club – No Tears Mix by Remus Rujinschi
A Light in My Heart by Richy Snyder
9 thoughts on “Amelia’s Ones To Watch: Butch Bastard / Epsilon / Purple Stone / Heartbeats. / PeezyGetsLOW / Dolche / Moose on the Roof / Cleo Handler / Remus Rujinschi / Richy Snyder”