‘Old Flame’ was written during the beginning stages of lockdown, allowing AMA to reflect & depict an illusion of past relationships. Her imagination creates an alternative ending for those relationships. It is based on Ama finally getting her revenge on all of those so called bad boys who screwed her over. Ama Jane writes her very own happy ending.

AMA JANE released a new song over a couple of weeks back and upon hearing it for the first time, we immediately fell in love, titled ‘OLD FLAME’. Not only does AMA have a rich and vibrant writing style, but she possesses a unique and powerful voice that both demands your attention and brings comfort to the soul. There’s a certain magic in AMA’s writing style that keeps us coming back for more and that’s exactly what we get here pure magic.
Go ahead and give this a spin and discover your new favorite artist, interested in hearing more? Make sure to follow AMA JANE.
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